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Tag: Migri
Facebook: Don’t let the Finnish government and Migri get you down, says Kerstin Ösgård
Kerstin Ösård Everybody here, my friends in the Iraqi community, feel so down these days about this country’s crazy asylum policy and Migri’s stupidity. I just want all you to know that we are many Finnish people who work very hard to change the situation because we simply cannot accept how our country treats you….
A naturalized Finn who returned to a “safe” country like Afghanistan and was killed last month
The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) announced in May that countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia are “safe” to return refugees who get their asylum applications rejected. Migrant Tales documented two deaths and one shooting of Iraqi asylum seekers that returned recently to Iraq.
The Finnish Immigration Service, with the blessings of the government, aims to separate migrant parents from their children
In August, the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) is reported to have given asylum reception center instructions that only the children can stay at the reception center if the parents have their asylum application turned down and refuse to leave the country making then undocumented migrants, according to MTV.
Reija Härkönen: Ajat ovat nyt sellaiset, että on kirjoitettava pääministerille
Hyvää pääministeri,
Tiedän, että monet ihmiset ovat kirjoittaneet teille samasta asiasta, mutta pyydän teitä lukemaan ne kirjeet ja kaikki tulevatkin. Maamme tulevaisuuden ja ihmisten hyvinvoinnin kannalta ei voi olla tämän tärkeämpiä kirjeitä luettavana tai asioita hoidettavana.
Helsingin Sanomat article on the Finnish Immigration Service sheds light on an institution distanced from human rights and Nordic values
It is surprising that whenever a Finnish government tightens immigration policy, it washes its hands by stating that it’s common practice in the EU or Sweden. Is it? If a landmark decision last month by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is anything to go by, the government’s hardline stance on returning asylum seekers to a “safe” country like Iraq is more than questionable.
In the asylum seekers’ eyes
Muh’ed Today I visited a Finnish-language class of asylum seekers silently worrying day by day. The Finnish-language teacher, a man, asked me to speak to them in the Finnish language, and tell about my life in Finland. I spoke slow Finnish, I told them who I am. How long I have lived in Finland and…