Apparently, there is no guarantee in Finland that marriage or having a child with a Finnish citizen will guarantee asylum and a residence permit. It is the case of Abdul,* who spoke on condition of anonymity, an Iraqi asylum seeker who came to Finland in 2015. Contrary to many like him, Abdul is married to a Finnish woman who is expecting their child in September.
Tag: Migri
Asylum seeker in detention cell 406: “I got my second rejection [for asylum]”
Remember the young twenty-one-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker who was detained in Lappeenranta or 32 days from October 27 to November 23? Things aren’t going well for him because he got a second rejection after applying for asylum a second time.
Asylum seeker in detention cell 406: Administrative court halts deportation order temporarily
After a nerve-racking week, The Administrative Court has stopped temporarily deportation proceedings of Iraqi asylum seeker in detention cell 406 in Joutseno, Finland.
Iraqi asylum seeker in detention cell 406: “Migri doesn’t believe I’m a Christian”
Just like the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) proclaims violent countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia to be “safe” for such nationals but not for Finns, they don’t have any problems about deporting you back to such countries if you are a Christian. If what Iraqi asylum seeker in detention cell 406 in Lappeenranta states is correct, his life is in danger if deported as a Christian back to his former home country.
AntroBlogi: Minä, Jumala ja hallinto-oikeus
Jos turvapaikanhakija kokee lähtömaassaan vainoa uskonnollisen vakaumuksensa vuoksi, tämä voi olla peruste turvapaikan myöntämiselle Suomeen. Mutta entä jos hän on vaihtanut uskontoa kesken hakuprosessin? Tällöin Suomessa arvioidaan hakijan uskonnollisen vakaumuksen aitoutta. Hallinto-oikeus arvioi tuoreessa päätöksessään, millä perustein voidaan olettaa turvapaikanhakijan olevan kristitty. Se toteaa, että kaste ei ole riittävä selvitys “aidosta kristinuskoon kääntymisestä”. Lisäksi “yksinomaan…
After detention for 27 days in Finland, Iraqi asylum seeker gets rejection for work permit after half-a-year wait
Remember an Iraqi asylum seeker called Hayder Al-Hatemi who was detained for 27 days from January 6-February 2 pending a deportation order? He applied for a work permit on February 6 shortly after his release and had learned at the beginning of August that it had been turned down.
The Finnish Immigration Service’s way of saying “this country isn’t your home”
I got a call Friday from a Migrant Tales longtime reader who came to Finland as a child and is in his mid-30s today. “Could you tell me what this message (by the Finnish Immigration Service or Migri) means?” he asked. “If they send me back to I won’t know what to do. I’ll kill myself.”
Facebook Kirsi Crowley: Seitsemänlapsinen irakilaisperhe viikkoja turvasälössä
Yleensä en kirjoita pamfletteja Facebookiin, mutta nyt on pakko. Tämä kirjoitus koskee seitsenlapsista irakilaisperhettä, joka on lusinut jo viikkoja säilössä. Pienin lapsista on puolitoistavuotias. Perustelut blogilähdeviitteineen palautukselle mielestäni omituiset. Olen tavannut perheen itse, siksi koin tärkeäksi kirjoittaa. Kiitos jos jaksat lukea.
“MZ” is the latest Iraqi asylum seeker to be deported from Finland to Iraq
A woman who was separated from her Iraqi asylum seeker boyfriend after having a relationship for 18 months. I asked if I could call her. She responded: “I am now too tired to speak on the phone. I’m sad and mentally broken by what happened to me and my fiancé.”
How interpreters, the police service and Finnish Immigration service mislead asylum seekers
I came up with the following issues when translating some asylum decision cases from the Finnish police service: