National Coalition Party MEP Henna Virkkunen is hoping to become an EU commissioner. However, there is a question: Is a person qualified if he or she would care less or very little if people die when coming to Europe? In the 2019 MEP election, she responded in the Alma Meter election compass in the affirmative…
Tag: MEPs
Finland’s shameful “let them die” MEPs: Mika Aaltonen, Pekka Toveri, Henna Virkkunen, Sebastian Tynkkynen and Katri Kulmuni
In the 2019 European Parliament election, Henna Virkkunen of the National Coalition Party agreed that the EU was not obligated to save people from drowning in the Mediterranean. She was in good company with the likes of Perussuomalaiset MEPs Laura Huhtasaari and Teuvo Hakkarainen. Virkkunen reasoned that we should stop traffickers, even if it means…