We claim that Finland has one of the best educational systems in the world. We claim that we teach our children social equality and that they have equal rights to advance in life. Why then are children of immigrants called at some schools mamus and why do we force them to speak only Finnish? The term mamu…
Tag: Immigrant children
Seeing the ogre of racism in Finland at an early age
What kind of a society denies others their identity? What kind of a society approves their children of ostracizing those that come from different backgrounds? Probably the answer is a society that has low self-esteem of its own identity.
Helsingin Sanomat: Joka kolmas uusmaalainen kannattaa kouluihin maahanmuuttajille kiintiöitä
Joka kolmas uusmaalainen rajoittaisi maahanmuuttajataustaisten oppilaiden määrää kouluissa.