THE STORY WAS UPDATED Of all the newspapers that write about migrants and cultural diversity, tabloid Iltalehti published Sanna Ukkola’s column on how “antiracism is the new racism.” With a headline like that, we could also put together provocative headlines like how “feminism is modern misogyny,” “anti-fascism is the new fascism,” and “how promoting same-sex…
Tag: Iltalehti
Milloin iltapäivälehdet pyytävät anteeksi?
Ilmestykö rasismia suomalaisissa mediassa? Nämä Ilta-Sanomien ja Iltalehden lööpit* 1990-luvulta todistavat kuinka iltapäivälehdet levittivät ja vahvistivat rasismia Suomessa. Olisiko anteeksipyyntö paikalla? Vaikka hiljaisuus saattaa vastata kysymykseen, uskon, että jonain päivänä iltapäivälehdet pyytävät anteeksi kaikkea sitä mitä ovat kirjoittaneet maahanmuuttajista ja vähemmistöistä.
Finland’s tabloids are the worst when it comes to spreading bigotry and racism
Racism sells. Us and them sell. Spreading and reinforcing prejudices sells. Bigotry and racism sell. Biased journalism sells. These examples sum up pretty well how tabloids like Iltalehti and Ilta-Sanomat make money by reinforcing old hatreds and suspicions of Others. One of their latest stories on the far-right vigilante group, the Soldiers of Odin, is…
Mika Koskinen: How much does your racist journalism cost Finnish tax payers?
Mika Koskinen is an Iltalehti reporter for a tabloid that likes to write sensationalist stories about migrants, especially asylum seekers. Usually citing himself and other unreliable sources, Koskinen was at it again when he tried to figure out in a column how much do asylum seekers cost Finland. In a video interview in mid-January, he falsely…
The media of Finland is part of the country’s Islamophobia and racism problem
Journalists and newspapers in Finland, especially tabloids like Iltalehti, Ilta-Sanomat and state broadcaster YLE, are prime examples of not only white Finnish privilege but of white Finnish overkill and rage.
UPDATE (December 5): Migrant Tales’ 2015 Hall of Poor and Sloppy Journalism
Migrant Tales’ 2015 Hall of Poor and Sloppy Journalism will be updated separately. To see other examples of opinionated journalism in Finland about cultural diversity, please go to this link. December 5 Lähde vahvistaa: Suomessa majailee kolme kovan luokan terroristia (Iltalehti) What’s wrong with this story? Finland’s two tabloids, Iltalehti and Ilta-Sanomat, are not an example of…
Abdulah: Healing the wounds inflicted by intolerance and regaining balance
Abdulah, who has appeared in a number of postings on Migrant Tales, hasn’t yet rallied enough courage to speak without the veil of anonymity. Like many who are scorned in Finland because of their ethnic background, regaining one’s balance and healing the wounds inflicted by intolerance can be a long process. “I have learned a…