Former ambassador to Chile (1971-76) Tapani Brotherus, 80, is a hero to many. Thanks to his efforts, many enemies of Augusto Pinochet’s military junta would have ended imprisoned, tortured, and dead today.
Tag: Finnish refugee policy
Finland’s about-turn in immigration and asylum policy reveal populism and suspicion
There is an interesting article in newsmagazine Suomen Kuvalehti that claims that before Finland gave 85% of asylum seekers a positive decision today it’s almost the opposite.
There are some disturbing reports that have emerged in the media about how some asylum seekers in Finland are getting a hostile reception. Trish Pääkkönen gives us a taste of what she went through when she tried to help a group of refugees at the the Helsinki and Espoo police stations.
YLE in English: Finland tells gay asylum seekers to get back in the closet
Finland has deported asylum seekers to countries where they could be put to death for their sexual orientation, in violation of international agreements. Some have been told to conceal their sexuality to ensure they remain safe.
YLE: Finland deports dozens of torture victims each year
The director of the Centre for Torture Survivors in Finland has accused the Finnish Immigration Service of callous disregard for torture victims. He says that dozens of asylum seekers have their applications turned down and are deported back to their country of origin, in contravention of the United Nations Convention Against Torture. Nearly 60 percent of all asylum seekers in Finland have some kind of torture trauma. Physical and sexual torture are the most commonly understood ways in which people experience torture, but the effects of psychological torture can be even more serious.
Svenska YLE: Utvisningen av albanska familjen skjuts upp – igen
Utvisningen av en albansk familj som har sökt asyl i Finland skjuts upp. Familjen skulle utvisas idag, tisdag, men förvaltningsdomstolen ansåg att fallet måste utredas ytterligare.
Verkkouutiset: Hyvä persut! Muistakaa äänestää kehitysavun puolesta!
Kansanedustaja Pekka Haavisto (vihr.) ei laita juurikaan painoarvoa perussuomalaisten puheille turvapaikanhakijoiden auttamisesta lähellä kotimaata.
Helsingin Sanomat, mielipide: Omar Bahaaldin: Maahanmuuttajilla ei ole Suomessa kantaväestön oikeuksia
Viime aikoina media on nostanut esiin maahanmuuttajiin liittyviä asioita, kuten kotoutumisen, työhön ja koulutukseen pääsemisen sekä suomen kielen oppimisen. Haluan muistuttaa, että kotoutuminen on paitsi poliittinen ja taloudellinen myös yhteiskunnallinen prosessi.
A shameful view of Finland’s refugee policy during the cold war
In this week’s Apu magazine (issue 6/2010) there is a feature authored by me on a former Soviet citizen who was caught in 1974 by Finnish border guards and whisked back to the USSR without granting him the right to political asylum. You can read about it in Apu magazine or get some background information in this blog on how Finland’s special relationship with the USSR would not tolerate Soviet refugees.