Soy tan viejo que me acuerdo perfectamente de la noticia del día 11 de septiembre de 1973, un martes, cuando las fuerzas armadas chilenas bombardearon el Palacio de la Moneda donde muere el presidente legítimo de los chilenos, Salvador Allende. Esta semana muchos se levantaron de una pesadilla larga que empezó hace 46 años, durante…
Tag: Chile
Tapani Brotherus: The present refugee atmosphere in Finland “is part of a phase”
Former ambassador to Chile (1971-76) Tapani Brotherus, 80, is a hero to many. Thanks to his efforts, many enemies of Augusto Pinochet’s military junta would have ended imprisoned, tortured, and dead today.
The coup that changed the Americas forty years ago
Today, 9/11, is the fortieth anniversary of the overthrow of President Salvador Allende by General Augusto Pinochet. A democratic era in Chile was abruptly and violently put to an end thanks to the support of the US President Richard Nixon and his secretary of state, Henry Kissinger. In many respects, the coup of September 11,…
A shameful view of Finland’s refugee policy during the cold war
In this week’s Apu magazine (issue 6/2010) there is a feature authored by me on a former Soviet citizen who was caught in 1974 by Finnish border guards and whisked back to the USSR without granting him the right to political asylum. You can read about it in Apu magazine or get some background information in this blog on how Finland’s special relationship with the USSR would not tolerate Soviet refugees.