In November 1990, Sheku Amadu Jalloh arrived in Denmark from Sierra Leone as a stowaway, escaping the political turmoil of his homeland. Over three decades later, the stowaway, Jalloh who has studied journalism at the University of Liberia with a three-month training program in the USA, is a Danish citizen and a dedicated employee at…
Tag: anti-racism
Left Alliance MEP candidate Paco Diop strives to be a voice for the voiceless and oppressed
Migrant Tales does not usually publish candidates, but we do make exceptions. MEP candidate Paco Diop of the Left Alliance is that exception. Diop, who hails from Turku and is a preschool teacher, states on YLE’s election compass three core values as an MEP candidate: “Human rights, respect for nature, and animal rights.” The rise…
Happy New Year from Migrant Tales!
Government remains silent on the threat of far-right terrorism in Finland
How is it possible that we do not hear a word from the government about three suspects tried on terrorism charges in Lahti. Helsingin Sanomat published an editorial Tuesday about the threat of far-right violence in Finland. Writes Helsingin Sanomat: “However, the case is a fresh reminder that the extreme right is a real threat…
The anti-racism statement has little to do with eradicating the social ill in Finland but all to do with saving the government’s skin
One of the facts about the government’s anti-racism statement is that it has more to do with injecting trust in a government after it was hit by a string of racism and far-right scandals in the summer. At least for the time being, the statement succeeded at keeping the government from dissolving after the Swedish…
Shame on you if you are a Finnish politician and don’t know what racism is!
One clear aspect of Finland’s heated debate about racism is how politicians, especially from the Perussuoomalaiset (PS) party, claim ignorance about what racism is. PS MP Joakim Vigelius went as far as to claim that the term “racism” has suffered from inflation. I wonder if victims of racism and microaggression feel the same way. As…
European Network on Religion & Belief: Babah Tarawally and the importance of hope and your narrative
I had the opportunity to attend on 6 October the European Network on Religion & Belief’s (ENORB)* General Assembly, when writer and columnist Babah Tarawally gave an inspirational talk on hope and Ubuntu, an African philosophy that draws strength communally. As many migrants and minorities readily learn, hope is the fuel that keeps one from…
Migrant Tales celebrates 15th anniversary
Migrant Tales celebrates its 15 anniversary today. You can read our flipbook here or the PDF file. What have all these years taught me? That not a single day in the struggle for social justice has been in vain. Media inquiries: 040 8400773 Thank you for your support.
The more proof that labor discrimination is king in Finland, the less is done to tackle the problem
Racism is such a big issue in Finland that even white people are discriminated. Another news story. Another example. You will lose out in the Finnish labor market if you don’t have a Finnish name. If there is overwhelming proof that this type of discrimination takes place, why does it continue? Why aren’t there any…
Liliana Belatti’s humanity in times of war
“[Leon] Trotsky once said that if the anarchists did not exist they’d have to be invented because they have done a lot of good things for humanity with their incorruptible opposition. They demonstrated having a principal that they never abandoned.”. Osvaldo Bayer (1927-2018) As the late Argentinean historian points out, social movements like anarchism in…