he gap in unemployment benefits between migrants and Finns is 39% (15,000 euros versus 9,400 euros) and up to 59% for those who are outside the labor force (7,500 euros versus 3,100 euros).
Tag: anti-immigration parties
Onko puolueiden allekirjoituksilla merkitystä?
Kun Suomen eduskuntapuolueet 14.10.2015 allekirjoittivat uudelleen edellisen kerran v. 2011 allekirjoitetun eurooppalaisten poliittisten puolueiden yhteisen rasisminvastaisen peruskirjan, eduskunnassa kuultiin kahdenlaista keskustelua. Kuultiin Nasima Razmyarin erinomainen keskustelunavaus sekä Petteri Orvon, Ozan Yanarin ja eräiden muiden kansanedustajien hyvät kannanotot. Mutta kuultiin myös omituisia heittoja siitä, että pitäisi määritellä, mitä se rasismi oikein on. Joku piti perussuomalaisten puoluetoimistoon…
Facebook: Dear Little Girl at sea…
The picture below and the comment that follows on Facebook is dedicated to the all those anti-immigration parties and politicians throughout Europe. Since I live in Finland, I’ll dedicate this tragic picture of the girl to our most anti-immigration and anti-EU party in the country: the Perussuomalaiset (PS).*
Defining white Finnish privilege #17: The Perussuomalaiset and our civil rights
The Perussuomalaiset (PS) is a xenophobic party that sticks out like a sore thumb and reminds us that our liberal Nordic welfare society and democracy may not be as open-minded as we thought. Their latest party program on immigration is further proof that the PS is a hostile to migrants, visible minorities and to our Nordic…
Financial Times: Finnish and Danish MEPs “with criminal records” join Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron’s group
While some speculated that the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* and the Danish People’s Party (DPP), both with MEPs with criminal records, would be given the cold shoulder by UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, the opposite happened, writes the Financial Times. The two MEPs with criminal records are PS MEP Jussi Halla-aho…
The EU elections are a call for migrants and minorities to raise their voices and take charge of their future in an ever-hostile Europe
What does the election victory of anti-EU and anti-immigration parties reveal for the future of the EU, immigrants and minorities in Europe? The bad news is that matters will get worse before they improve, even if these parties didn’t get a clear mandate in the EU elections. Writes the Guardian:”But not by as much as…
The anti-immigration menace in Europe and Finland is real and we must do something to challenge it
Migrants were very active in the early 1980s and on October 19, 1982 we marched for the first time since a group of East Pakistanis, today Bangladesh, marched from Helsinki to Turku in the early 1970s demanding work. The march by the East Pakistanis may have been the first by foreigners in Finland. Migrants and…
The new look of anti-immigration parties: Over-simplify complex social issues like cultural diversity and racism
Observing for a number of years the language and behavior of how anti-immigration and especially anti-Islam parties operate in Europe, it’s clear that the codewords used by such parties has changed in countries like Finland. Eyeing power, the compromise that parties like the Perussuomaliset (PS) have made recently is to look more mainstream by toning…