Migrant Tales insight: I heard this short news story on the 6 pm news Saturday. In it, National Police Commissioner Seppo Kolehmainen said on YLE (see 4:45 min.) he needs more funds for the police because of the new alcohol law and terrorism. He then goes off and mentioned that such funds would go for avoiding no-go zones from forming. Really?! Where?!
Tag: alcohol
Exposing white Finnish privilege #46: Teuvo Hakkarainen = white racism and sexism
Disgraced Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Teuvo Hakkarainen, an Islamophobic politician convicted of ethnic agitation, got off with a light slap on the hand from the PS for forcing a fellow MP to kiss him. But that’s not all. We now know that Hakkarainen, after having one too many, grabbed another MP by the hair a year ago.