The collective outrage that we saw on Monday when an Afghan family was deported from Finland to their country reveals why the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) is not “a service” but more of a disservice to too many migrants and asylum seekers.
Tag: Adaption of immigrants in Finland
Suomen Kuvalehti: Professori Vesa Kanniainen: Jokainen on rasisti
YK:n yleissopimuksen mukaan rasismilla tarkoitetaan rotuun, ihonväriin, syntyperään tai kansalliseen tai etniseen alkuperään perustuvaa erottelua, poissulkemista. Koko elämän mysteeri on kuitenkin rasistinen.
Are you in favor of “mamu” or “maahanmuuttaja” – or none of the above?
What type of feelings does the term mamu, the shortened form of maahanmuuttaja, or immigrant, awaken in you? Fortunately mamu is less commonly used today than before but you can still see it peppered in the media. A fresh example is the Green Party’s Vihreä Lanka.