Rasismi ei ole maahanmuuton seuraus. Se on syvemmin suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan juurtunut ilmiö, jonka maahanmuutto on ehkä nostanut esiin. Rasismi ei myöskään katoa jos maahanmuuttajia ei ole. Suomalaista rasismia ovat kohdanneet myös Suomen kansalaiset, saamelaiset.
Search Results for: PS and far right
HS: Perussuomalaisten ehdokkaina useita Suomen sisun jäseniä
Perussuomalaisten eduskuntavaaliehdokkaina on useita kansallismielisen Suomen sisu -yhdistyksen jäseniä. Heitä ovat muun muassa Olli Immonen Oulusta, James Hirvisaari Asikkalasta, Teemu Lahtinen Espoosta, Johannes Nieminen Vantaalta ja Jussi Halla-aho Helsingistä.
The lessons from Tampere
Some Finns took a deep sigh of relief when the deadly fire that cost the lives of three innocent victims wasn’t racially motivated but one perpetrated by the immigrant owner in an insurance scam.
The tale of two racist spray paintings in an eastern Finnish city
A new association called Kansavinvälinen Mikkeli (International Mikkeli) was registered on September 23. One of its most important aims is to serve as a forum where Finns and immigrants can openly debate topics that affect each other and create a greater sense of community.
(Another) poll on what Finns think of future immigrants
When will these end and when will these what-Finns-think-of-immigrants polls stop? Name me of a country where a native believes there are too few immigrants and therefore wants more foreigners to come? Why are these types of polls important?
Raseborg: To headscarf or not?
I was very surprised to read that the educational board of Raseborg, a town located in southwest Finland, had retracted apparently grudingly from a decision to ban headscares at school. The Raseborg school district is the only one in the country that had in force such restrictions.
March 9 election debate in Spain: Zapatero versus Rajoy
Today concluded the first of two televised debates between Spain’s Socialist (PSOE) José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and opposition Popular Party (PP) head Mariano Rajoy. The first polls that were taken right after the debate show Rodríguez Zapatero beating by an ample margin his PP opponent. Television station Cuatro gave Rordíguez 45.4% versus 33.4% for Rajoy,…