Leo Honka
Folks! We’re not going to visit a traditional peep show with women or men but one where all your bigotry, hate, and racism undress before you.
Social media peep show sites like Hommaforum* are such places. People visit them anonymously and get all excited by their lewd thoughts. They too undress but with the help of their racist comments.
A poem on a social media peep show wall once read:
Even if I am a racist my hate is virile
When I’m able to set my racism free
always anonymously, of course
I feel free to undress
with the help of spiteful words.
I am sick with hate, I know
but what can I do?
I’ve learned to keep my head low
anonymously in the peep show booth
through the thick glass window
Peeking and watering from the mouth at racism.
I’m getting ready to write a comment
support and vote for any party or group
that hates migrants
minorities and gays.
Those sons of bitches make me feel so inferior
forcing me to live in the shadows and be a nobody and peep show patron.
* Hommaforum is a hate site founded by Perussuomalaiset MEP Jussi Halla-aho, who was sentenced for inciting ethnic hatred, and Matias Turkkila. It is the voice of racism in Finland and that of the PS.