The Perussuomalaiset (PS) party never ceases to surprise us. Former administration committee chairman MP Jussi Halla-aho said he wants Juho Eerola to be his successor. The MP, who is second vice president of the PS, is Halla-aho’s close ideological ally and a member of the far-right Suomen Sisu association.
Appointing Eerola as the new chairman of the administration committee would be another blow to its credibility.
Another important question is if Eerola is qualified to chair the administration committee. He is a practical nurse who has worked at a refugee center in his home town of Kotka.
Eerola’s far-right and anti-immigration views are well-known. He once wrote in a blog entry that he liked Italian fascist Benito Mussolini’s economic system because there was full employment.
The PS MP does not seem to care too much if his aide, Ulla Pyysalo, wanted to join a neo-Nazi associaiton, Suomen Kansalinen Vastarinta (SKV).
SKV is a violent association that openly supports national-socialist values. This sticker claims that multiculturalism is hazardous to your children and grandchildren.
While some PS members demanded that Pyysalo should resign from the party, Eerola was against sacking his aide. Pyysalo said, however, she’d resign if she found a new job by the end of the year, which she didn’t.
Pyysalo published in July homophobic jokes on Facebook about Green Party MP Jani Toivola.
Writes Migrant Tales in January: “The Pyysalo affair demonstrates beyond any doubt that it is perfectly fine to be a PS member and belong to a neo-Nazi association like SKV as long as you were drunk while applying for membership or didn’t quite know what you were doing but thought it was a patriotic act.”
Familiar with the “Peter Principle”?? Nothing to add.
Leaving aside the question of whether Eerola has the necessary acumen to chair a parliamentary committee, this conflicts with Halal-oho’s expressed wish of remaining on the Administration Committee as an ordinary member. Eerola is already a member of the Committee for Education and Culture and the Committee for Social Affairs and Health. He would have to give up these positions in order to take up the chair of the Administration Committee, and if Halal-oho stays, then one other PS member would also have to resign from that committee in order to make room for him, initiating an even more complex game of musical chairs that would affect other committees as well.
Under the circumstances, of course, Halal-aho is in no position to dictate the terms of any reshuffle.
If this continues for long, then Timo Soini will certainly have reason to regret not sacking Halal-oho last week.
Well, this guy has experience with immigration matters, i dont see why hes unfit.
“He once wrote in a blog entry that he liked Italian fascist Benito Mussolini’s economic system because there was full employment.”
Jesus christ how horrible. Other than that i must say, deal with it. This is what your wishes led to
Jssk, it would be a scandal if a politician made the same type of statements as Halla-aho did on Muslims and Somalis. Even former President George W. Bush fired an aide for making racist statements. In Finland we are still debating what is racism while in other countries, there’s a clearer idea what it is and what isn’t appropriate.
–Jesus christ how horrible. Other than that i must say, deal with it. This is what your wishes led to.
So you don’t see anything wrong with an MP saying he like Mussolini’s economic system? What do you think that statement says about Eerola’s world view of things. Is he fit to set immigration policy? Yes, in Mussolini’s Italy but not in Nordic welfare state Finland.
Eerola has worked on immigration matters some time. Im pretty sure he knows his stuff. Hes not “anti-immigration”, he is for a different immigration policy and against multiculturism.
I havent read as whole what he wrote about Mussolinis economic system, but stating that he likes it doesnt make him a “fascist” etc.
By training, Juho Eerola is a practical nurse, though he doesn’t seem to have worked much in this field.
I see no clear indication of “work on immigration matters” in his work record:
The job that sticks out like a sore thumb here is “Coordinator of local authority interpretation services”.
He has also served as a local councillor with committee experience in urban planning.
His parliamentary experience is with the Grand Committee, the Committee for Education and Culture, the Committee for Social Affairs and Health, and the Finnish Delegation to the Nordic Council.
His military rank is Corporal.
Somehow I don’t think that bad mouthing minorities at PS meetings counts as “working on immigration matters”.
Can you elaborate on the “stuff” that he knows? You seem so desperate to defend the PS MPs that you are losing your bearings. Anyone who, in this present age sees people in terms of black, or white, or brown, is clearly uncivilised however educated they maybe.
As for Hallo-Aho, his professors at Helsinki Uni should be scratching their heads…can you imagine a PhD graduate from Oxford or Harvard holding such primitive and narrow minded views as Hallo does? He went to Finland’s premier university. What a shame!!!
Eerol is a racist so is Jussi Halla Aho, it doesnt matter if he worked with immigration matters, what good will that do if his idealogies are same as those notorious fascists, to us immigrants it’s a sad reality beus injust is to be expected, it’s true that we immigrants have no voice in this country, we’re like pets who’re wandering around and fate is on the hands of racists and fascists MP’s. So don’t come here with your B.S telling us that Juho drives equal rights for both natives and immigrants, he’s a racist and fascist, his aid is a secret neo nazi, you’re defending him, that must say alot about who you’re.
Your post is a whole lot of bullcrap
seriously if you cant argue with other than “youre all rascist and facists!11one!”, dont argue at all.
So, Pyysalo’s membership of a fascist organisation is accidental, and his membership of another fascist organisation Suomen Sisu, is likewise irrelevant to his political views? Come on, Jssk, there is only so much whitewash you can throw at this party before it starts to look like a very bad paint job!
Eerola is not Pyysalo. SVL is not fascist (national socialist, yes, though they do not promote the form used by hitler or nazi Germany), neither is Suomen Sisu. Suomen Sisu is nationalist last time i checked. Im not denying those have some fascist supporters, but the organization itself isnt. I dont see anything wrong in that Eerola is a member of suomen sisu.
In all fairness, do you really know what fascism is?
How can you be against multiculturalism? I mean, if you define it as people from different cultural backgrounds living in the same nation state/ country/ community, then you are against Finland, since there are people from all kinds of cultural backgrounds in Finland already (Swedes, French, Somali, Kurds, Russians, …). Maybe you do not want to find a way to make that work, but that’s an entirely different discussion I think …
Read: Multiculturism. Its a political agenda that tries enforces multiculturalism. I dont think multiculturalism will work that way.
I’ve asked you already, show me where ‘multiculturalism’ is ‘enforced’? These are meaningless words, propoganda, unless you can back them up.
I do not necessarily agree. If by that you mean that treating people differently on the labour market, school or with ragard to social and human rights, is an absolute no-go, then I can agree.
However, in my point of view people’s identity is multi-layered, and skin colour can play a role in that. Some people after all are proud to be black, isn’t it? And some are proud to be white, without therefore hating black people, isn’t it?
I most like it how Bob Marley sings it (actually an excerpt from a speech given by Haile Selassi in the UN council):
” […] Until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes, …”
And then he said: there will be war.
Yes, how so? also national socialism is not fascism, or vice versa.
This is not telling me anything about what you know about fascism, only that you don’t think it is the same as national socialism. Give more detail please.
Toiset Soundit
Sounds like a nuanced understanding of the role of skin colour in personal identity.
Mark rotu on osa identiteettiä koska se on yksi tapa reagoida rasismiin. Sen sijaan että kieltäisi rodun teet siitä voimasi. Käännät heikkoutesi ylpeyden aiheeksi. Minusta on tärkeää, että värillinen ymmärtää että hänellä on rotu ja että hän ottaa siitä ylpeyttä, koska sillätavall henkilö oppi suodattamaan negatiiviset viestit paremmin pois.
Vaikka värillinen ei tajuaisi olevansa rodullinen muut huomaavat ja kohtelevat sen mukaan. Media huomaa ja esittää sinua ja sinunlaisia sen mukaan. Valkoisilla on etuoikeus luulla olevansa roduttomia.
Toiset Soundit Valkoiset harvemmin ottavat ylpeyttä valkeuttaan koska he harvoin tajuavat olevansa valkoisia. Useimmat valkoisuuttaan ylpeät ovat jonkin tason White Nationalisteja.