I was quite surprised to find this rude sticker of the far right Finnish Defence League (FDL) near my home today. That follows another one placed on a lamppost in front of my house in March 2012 by the neo-Nazi Kansallinen vastarintaliike (SVL).
The good news is that the FDL stickers, which erroneously claim the group supports human rights, are a cinch to peel off but you need a sharp object like a key.
The stickers used by the neo-Nazi SVL are a bit tougher to peel off. They will, however, come off with the help of a coin or key.
Both the FDL and SVL are pernicious and violent organizations that believe the only way to live with other cultures is to be openly hostility to them.
A study recently linked hate crime to far right groups like the English Defence League.
The far right Finnish Defense League strikes Mikkeli.
The neo-Nazi Kansallinen Vastarinta claims that “multiculturalism is hazardous for your children and grandchildren.”
Category: Enrique