By Dana
Yesterday was a dark black day but a blessed one even if it brought so much sadness. A racist couldn’t kill who I am and yet again, like so many times before in my life, God helped me to overcome a very difficult situation. For you racists out there, and those who support you, even those who are racist but yet don’t know it, even those of you who are racist but are still in denial, let me tell you the following: I can hear your thoughts and hate.
Here’s what happened to me at work a day before Vappu, or Labor Day:
I began work on Tuesday in the morning and I knew that the following day would be Vappu. I don’t need to prove to anyone how good of a worker I am. I’m just as good as any of my Finnish coworkers. Even so, I still don’t understand how people can be so cruel and rude to anyone before a day like Vappu.
My coworkers were in a festive mood and already partying in the kitchen and I heard their laughs all the way from there. Their joy brought me to them. It was wonderful to see my people in such a happy mood. There was food on the kitchen table: cakes, sweets and fruits.
To my surprise, the Vappu they were celebrating a day before was not for me because I was not like them. I’m a foreigner. It was hard blow being excluded. Oh my God, I said to myself, how could they hurt me in such a way?
It was clear that they didn’t want to be with me. Their clear “you’re not one of us” look and their laughs told me that loud and clearly.
When I returned to the kitchen a little later for my lunch break, I saw them eating ice cream on the other side of the room. It was the same message over again: This ice cream is for us and not for you.
How did I know?
Because nobody in the room was considerate enough to ask me to join them.
It’s not the first time I’ve been in these types of situations. Only 1% of all the Finns I have met have accepted me and been kind to me.
Sitting as I usually do in the kitchen and eating my lunch by myself, I was careful not place my food on the table because I didn’t want their food to touch mine. Everybody could see I was in the room but no one cared to notice.
I finished eating lunch and went back to work.
Even while I was working, nobody called me to join my fellow coworkers in the kitchen. I felt that I had turned into a ghost before them and Vappu. I didn’t exist.
When I left work I wanted to scream at the top of my voice but where and to whom? In the market? On the street? In shops? At Lidl?
I’ve had it with you Finns! I’ve lived here for five years and I give up!
Believe it or not, I’m actually happy that I gave up on the Finns because I won’t waste my time anymore on false expectations.
Enough is enough!
More blog entries by Dana:
Poetic essay for tomatoes and cucumbers
An immigrant’s life in Finland: Dana misses her family
Hehe, if this is what you call racism, then good news for all: We don’t have racism 😀
What you described above was totally normal and had nothing to do with you being foreigner. In Finland we don’t ask people to join us, we just join in an party along.
It’s very disgusting that you blame us Finns as racists only because of your own prejudices. When you went for lunch, did it ever occur to you that maybe your coworkers thought that you are not interested to join and you just want to be by yourself? No, you don’t take this in to considertation, it’s just easier to conclude that they are racist.
This is exactly the invented racism, meaning you people just invent the racism so that you could tell anyone that there is racism in Finland.
Learn to live in Finland and stop blaming Finns of your own mistakes.
Farang, you have to stop being so defensive. Where did I state that ALL Finns are racists? Do we have a problem with intolerance in Finland? Yes, I believe so. What should we do about it? Challenge it in a proactive fashion.
If you feel that there’s no racism in Finland, fine that’s your opinion.
By being active in Finland, I am serving this country in the best way possible.
Like in Dana’s story, there was NO racist and NO intolerance. Only person who did something wrong was Dana herself.
And you are not serving this country. You are only serving people like you.
Farang, you have your opinions and I have mine. There’s no reason to debate this. I will continue writing and working for what I think is right and you have the same option as well. Full stop.
I think this writing is a good example of the kind of “anti-racism” that is likely just to increases racism, instead of decreasing it. You don’t bother to learn Finnish customs and when they in any way differ from your expectations, you just fill in the holes in your knowledge with assumptions of racism towards you and scream about racism. i find your writing racist towards Finns.
If you knew Finnish customs better, you would know that it is very typical that native Finns aren’t formally invited in that kind situations either. I don’t recall that I would ever had been invited at workplace to celebrate vappu, even though often there has been some kind of celebrations and I am a native Finn. I cannot know all the details in your case, as I haven’t been there myself, but to me it seems that you avoided their company on purpose (“I was careful not place my food on the table because I didn’t want their food to touch mine”). If you had instead just joined in or asked if you could join in and they would have said no, you might have some kind of case.
And as you seem to be from Iran, which is one of the most fundamentalist Muslim countries, people might assume that you too have some of those values so common in Iran, whether it is right or wrong. And many Finns have heard that many Muslims are very tight about their religion and some even say that things like celebrating non-Islamic things like Christmas is worse than homicide, even though some Muslims celebrate Christmas as well. People might even feel uncomfortable inviting you to, because it might be awkward for a Muslim person, because vappu is often alcohol filled celebration.
Have you ever considered that you might have better success with a bit different attitude and perhaps even learning some of the local customs? For example, my best friend who is originally from a Muslim country, is quite popular among Finns and one of most keen person to organize different kind of parties at his workplace. Another person I know, moved from a Muslim country much more recently than you did and joined an association. He politely (instead of screaming about racism in the first contact) asked asked that if the e-mail from association could be also in English as he didn’t understand English and soon the policy was changed to include English translation as well. And relatively soon after that there was election for executive committee of the association and he got elected. I know that the association had vappu celebration, although I didn’t attend it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of the organizers. These examples show that it is quite possible for an immigrant to fit in Finland. As you seem to have problems, maybe there is something else that is wrong instead of you being an immigrant.
In my opinion its a bit hard to make any kind of conclusions from this story as we only have Dana’s side of things and we dont know the atmosphere in her work place.
Does Dana always eat alone? Could her coworkers believe she wants to stay alone? Could they just be sensitive to let her be like she wants(from their point of view)? Maybe they thought she as a muslim woman didnt want to celebrate a finnish holidays? (does muslims have labor day?)
In my eyes the best case would had been that she had invited herself and asked if she could join them. That would had given them a clear signal that she wants to join too. Now I just feel the story is fully loaded up with her prejudice.
I am surprised to see Dana’s comment to me on this page which is titled “Migrant Tales story sheds more light on a wider problem at schools in Mikkeli”, as she seems to refer to my comment which was posted under another page which title was “Enough is enough! I’ve had it with you Finns!”. I think it would be better to have all related comments on the same page.
Whats ur custom?
If you are going to stay in Finland, I recommend you to learn local customs instead of constantly hitting into surprises and misinterpreting things because of lack of knowledge of local customs. There are differences between cultures and if you don’t know them, you can easily misjudge intentions or cause negative feelings in other even if don’t mean to.
For example, in some cultures eye contact is valued, in other cultures avoiding eye contact is sign of respect and politeness. There are also cultural differencies in things like how much personal space is needed, how loudly you should speak in different contexts, should you often mention the name of the person you are talking to, how much politeness you should express in different situations and in what manners to express the politeness, how much formality you should have in different situations, how much you should control expressing your emotions, what are considered unsuitable/delicate things to discuss etc.
I don’t think that is very healthy atitude, if you want to fit in and find friends. And as far as I remember from your previous writing, you didn’t get along with non-Finns either and you had quite serious problems with immigrants that weren’t from your own country (I am referring to the writing titled “An immigrant’s life in Finland:* Dana misses her family”). You cannot really expect the whole world to adjust to your customs and not show any will to accept other customs, especially it is you who is outside your own country.
You don’t seem to have noticed what me and somebody else already said to you. Quite typically, nobody is invited to that kind of celebrations at workplace in Finland. They have just treated you as they would treat any Finn.
And quite often Finns don’t form real friendships at workplace with other Finns either. I have had some friends at workplace, but the friendship was not formed because we were working at same place but for other reasons — and most of the friendships have been formed before working on the same workplace. Many person like to keep some distance between professional and private life, me included.
I didn’t say that you are, but people may assume that you hold some of those values as you come from one of the most fundamentalist Muslim countries.
Well, didn’t you self say that the reason for you leaving Iran, was lack of religious freedom — probably because of Muslim fundamentalism? It is no secret that Muslim fundamentalism seems to cause problems both in Muslim countries and outside them as well.
Of course, it is impossible to say for 100 % sure would I be a Muslim if I was born in Iran. I prefer to think I would be still an Atheist, although it might be dangerous to say that publicly.
Do all people on your workplace know that or only some of them?
Sima, which is THE traditional vappu drink, contains small amounts of alcohol. I am pretty sure there was at least sima, if not any stronger alcohol drinks.
Well, I wish you luck on the path you have chosen, although it won’t be the easiest one. Btw, have you shown any adaptance and learning of the local habits, before demanding that all persons in Finland adapt to your ways?
Finns don’t think that Finland is the best place on earth or without any problems. However, if we are totally honest, Finland is in many ways much better place than most of other countries, which probably explains why there seems to be so many persons from third world countries trying to get in compared to the opposite direction.
Im sorry Dana but I kinda smell something else. It looks like you are the work work work kind with no interest in socializing. I gotta say that this lady got a lot to learn- you are giving up for not try hard at all. You got to the kitchen the staff is in party mood what do you do? as a member of staff you get into the groove in any way that is acceptable to you but please dont sit on the sideline. You just lost a good day to make friends.Finns are hard workers but when its time to party they party real good. Ive been in this country many years , worked with diff companies and I can boldly say party times are best times in all the companies.
Dont be sorry for me , I am great, so i send ur sorry for yourself keep it in ur heart.
U should read my story again… it looks like u just try to say a bravo to Finns but as u like, i dont care at all.
Giving up about what?? Shall i jump between them and asking an invitation for myself? Or asking for their friendship and foods?
No/one look at u, no/one see u in that time, so how can u go and ask for party? U r not in the middle of forest and not hungry for their food why should u put yourself down for foods?
U understand it now… it was not about food and cake… it was about prejudice, about they could not accept me between them,it was not polite.
Finns are not social people, not even hard worker….
U can knock on the door but u cant knock on the wall…. I wont knock on walls again, i done so wrong in this 5 years.
And i lost a bad… so thanks GOD.
First of all a noisy Applause for u, thank u because u dont use ur mask on my blog.
Farang seems to be a fat racist… i know ur ways racist people… u always try to find a way to put others down… so well well well who told u that ur English is perfect? There are people with a very perfect English on this site but they never told me this and now u a chicken racist try to push me to ur dusty world?I am not b elong to ur world… am brave… am standing for all i want in my life… even ur racist polices, law and social workers tried to kill me but they could not.
U r yourself are here every day for first of all… to improve ur English… Ha ha ha :))))) i can see ur angry face now,, even i can tell u the number of ur blood pressure… u like it??? So be careful when u talk to me, am not that kind of foreigner woman who respect u because ur white and have gray eyes…If i did put my all time on English instead on ur not useful language now my English was supper… but i done a huge mistake… yes this is my mistake that i should admit it… hey world i admit it with a loud voice it was a big mistake from me because i spent my all 5 years on Finnish language instead English, HUH
How many languages do u can speak angry baby??? When u speak English its just very laughable, and how many words in Persian u know???
Nothing not even whats hi in my mother language.
But i was working hard or ur mother tongue and learned it and I working in ur country… if u go to my country u wont be able to work and stand for yours.
I dont need English skill on MT because MT mods are intelligent and they understand my words perfectly…
Ha ha :)))))))) : ) U cant play ur game with me,i can see u very well even ur a picless one for me.
Open ur small eyes… i have done no mistake… its not hard for understanding… simply that happened… they were careful to did not let me in their party… why shall i bother them… it was their party i cant go between them when they are not interest at all but it was labor day and my day too and i was their co/worker so it was their prejudice that made a wall around themselves in that day, even i was not surprise but it was so strange because it was labor day and i am a worker there.
And why u think i should admit a mistake??? No/one done mistake they wanted that with their free will.
Now wait for me to accept ur custom… Finns always are ready to tell this is my custom… and i always know its a prejudice.
Am not white Farang so what now?
U think i feel myself down because my colour is not white?
I am very comfort with my colour and i really feed up about those people who are proud of tehir colour or who are sad with their colours, my idea both group are weak and sad people.
Brave, Farang has been suspended from MT and it’s doubtful that he’ll return. It’s incredible how people form an opinion of a situation they have never been in.
We’ve seen this a lot of times on MT.
Great to see you here Brave.
Now correct my comment… then millions people will correct ur comment on me LOL
NO, NO Farang, give up on this case… it was not missunderstanding or imagination
It was a clear situation… they could not accept me between themselves
U Farang are exist for us on MT okay? So i was exist for them in that day… We cant tell there is no Farang but a ghost who writes on MT … so they could not demonstration that am not there and around them.
1 plus 1 is 2
Why u make it so hard for yourself?
If u dont have pain u wont scream… so when u see some/one screams u should know there is a reason.
So U got a NO instead me….congrats
U cant give me a NO
@ Farang
u told,
I am not saying that ALL racist experiences you have are imagined. I am sure most of them are real.
But what is your stand on imagined racism? Do you believe that some of the “racist experiences” immigrants in Finland have are only racist in their imagination?
and brave says
IF no/one treats u racist then u can get it what am talking about?
IF u never had headache then u cant understand my headache.
Rcaist in their imagination? U have a snake, ur snake bite some people and they scream…. their scream is fact, its a real pain and we dont call a pain an imagination
Imagination is creative and alive, it has breath but pain has no breath … pain has sadness, pain is some kind fo suffer
Now enjoy my great imagination… snake means racist
Hurray to me
Hi Enrique,
Thanks for welcome.
I wish a great life for you.
Oh Farang now i miss u so much, i cant forget ur freindly words.
So who will teach me English now?
Oh so sad my teacher is absent, La la la la
Brave one, see the blog entry on microaggressions. It could explains pretty well what happened to you at work.
PS voter,
Am no wonder why u a PS voter… ur a real PS Ho hoooooo
Wake up before its late…. when u die u cant back to earth again and u wont be on this earth to judge me with ur balck heart.
Cant u be realx … u even on net make racist.
I recommend you to dont recommend me because i have no ears for racists.
U have nothing, except proud… u cant even understand an easy thing that i expalin in my blog…. looks like u people try to be in dream for ur whole life???
I have no need to ur custom… ur custom is match with u not with me.
Oh did u read what i wrote about ur dirty police in one of my blogs , what about ur dirty social workers and law, all racists and u tell its misjudge??? wake up before its late.
Why u all talk about eye contact and wink to me 🙂
ur example has nothing to do with my real story, again wake up
Yes the only helathy atitude is racist and thinking like u and looking with ur eyes, myself have brain no need ur brains and idea, myself have eyes can see clearly no need ur wooden eyes and i dont want Finnish friends, keep them for yourself.
Yes i had problems with other foreigners, so what now???
Dont u have problems with foreigners? Why u r belong to PS??? because u hate foreigners, because u dont want foreigners in ur country, so dont twist my words…dont try to show yourself an angel and i never told i am an angel and perfect but am enough brave to stand for myself… I am not with those foreigners who are here for abuse me and social system, i am not with thsoe foreigners who wordship u Finns, not with those foreigners just watching us on MT, not with those just whining the time and never move forward, BUT am not with u and them,,,, i am just with truth and brave people.
Those foreigners at school attacked me perfectly, bullying me because Racist teachers and managers were with them, other wise they could not kill my rights easily…. so it is racist who helped them.
I am completely out of interest to be in friendship with Finns… but i admit i was working on this matter so hard…. now i wont waste my energy again on a worthles matter.
Again u with ur close eyes focus on muslim…????
Have you allergy with muslims? Then i should create a pill for u guys.
First of all i dont need stand for msulim… am not a muslim… but i just stand for humanity…. muslims are humans u should understand this.
Many of foreigners, immigrants work here very perfectly and not all of Finns have a job… many of u just drink alcohol and are lazy and drunk so some of immigrants, foreigners are lazy too, what then_???? so u cant complain about muslims and else, we r all human beings aand we all deserve a good life, even racist are human and deserve a good life.. we r equal, we r just a big family on planet earth with different colours and religions, even i dont believe religion but i believe GOD and i know GOD loves all of us one by one, we r a very important creatures. we re human.
Why u dont see we foriegners made a lot of differents in ur country, we make ur country to grow up and go forward… even on MT u Finns improve ur knowlledge about many thing also u improve ur English so why all the time u focus on muslim and else???
Many of u are in other country would u like people judge them because Finalnd is a racist country?Thats cruel if they do so.
Sima, Nima. bim bim bima….. we r not talking about alcohol, religion or Sima we r talking about racist…. it is very wrong if u cant see ur co/worker who is infront of ur eyes, and its very cheap of brain and heart if u ignoring her-his in the middle of ur international party .
Sorry i wont adapt myself with walls… there is only walls for us foreigner here… no/one can adapt her, hisself with walls…. we need doors, open doors.
Ur completely wrong, Finland is a racist country… if something happen for u or ur family then u can understand it , so i cant help.U cant be even one day far of ur family, u will cry after 3 days, so u dont know my suffering time that i have here.
Third country?
Well my country is not a third country go and read about Iran, u looks a very simple man, u make a war on ur comment? We r not talking about my country…. u dont need my country, u r here, focus on ur country…. and on ur problems… focus on ur IQ and my IQ
Before it is too late for what? I am not sure if I have seen you blog about “dirty” police or “dirty” social workers. However, I am not willing to believe your word that they have been in some way “dirty” or racist as it seems that you like to call other persons with dirty names, if they don’t follow your demands completely. There are laws that police and social workers have to obey, and that doesn’t make them “dirty” or racist.
Well, I probably have had much less problems with foreigners than you have, judged by your stories.
And I am not a member of Perussuomalaiset, although I have voted for them. The reasons for my voting them is a combination of many things, not just one thing. And I don’t agree with them on every issue.
What you tell us, might be truth or it might not be the complete truth. However, I am sure that those foreigners at school told teachers and managers quite different version of the events than you do, as it was you who ended up being expelled from the school and not them. It would be interesting to hear also their version of the story.
I am not sure if it has helped Finland to go forward. Of course, some foreigners have been quite welcome and have been quite beneficial, like some scientists. However, among some immigrant groups the average education level is quite low and unemployment rates quite high.
Well, I was talking about developing countries in general, not specifically about Iran. However, Iran gets typically classified as a developing country.
Having said that and although on average I find Arab men more attractive — if they haven’t spend too many years under Sun, I agree that there seems to be more intellectual tradition in Iran compared to many Arab countries. In the distant past, there was scientific development in Arab countries, but then religion and some other social issues stopped development and caused even regression of development. Western languages have many scientific words from the time period when Arab countries were scientifically advanced, like alkali, algebra or algorithm. It is quite sad to see the current lack of progress. I hope that some day day Arab countries will wake up from the stagnation, but I am quite pessimistic that it will happen soon.
Before it is too late for what? I am not sure if I have seen you blog about “dirty” police or “dirty” social workers. However, I am not willing to believe your word that they have been in some way “dirty” or racist as it seems that you like to call other persons with dirty names, if they don’t follow your demands completely. There are laws that police and social workers have to obey, and that doesn’t make them “dirty” or racist.
Before ur heart stay in darkness for ur entire life and before ur brain stop to see facts and truth for ever.
And i am not willing to you are not willing to believe my words who do you think you are? Really you think you are very important that believe me or not : )
You are all robots… this is a common answer that %99 of Finns tell about police and law in Finland… you PS voter think with awooden minds and brain???…. You think your dirty police, dirty law is perfect?
What a simple people you are, it looks law in Finland washed your brains and you cant help yourself at all, hey PS voter u cant understanding me because u and ur family are safe in Finalnd, u enjoy ur time with ur wife and children, No/one can touch ur wife and children, u have everything in right place, police cant cath u infront of others because u r a Finn and u can stand for yours if a police try to attacking u…. so stop it ur meanless words.
What u know about law in Finalnd? What u know about racist polices? What u know about Finnish court when there is foreigner case? A rcaist case? What u know about bullying at school when ur child is white? What u know about foreigner schools in Finalnd? What u know about racist teachers? What u know about money and work when u have permanently work and u get %100 salary?
What u know about a person without a family far of home?
And what u know about life? NOTHING
Do u have water around yourself… wash your eyes and know if i saved me from ur dirty law then i can save me from u too. u r under my feets.
Oh so u never use dirty words and racist words LOL.
So if a police or a man attack ur wife infront of ur eyes and put her in car and keep her in jail, u wont say anything ha ha so u will wordship police or that man even if he is a foreigner and u will tell oh thanks??? If so ur a robot sure a racist robot.
Well, I probably have had much less problems with foreigners than you have, judged by your stories.
And I am not a member of Perussuomalaiset, although I have voted for them. The reasons for my voting them is a combination of many things, not just one thing. And I don’t agree with them on every issue.
Yes this is one of bigest problem in Finland that Finns are judge… so there r 5 millions judge in this country?
You are very proud of yourself PS voter…. and you dont know u cant judge me like this because this judging will turn on yourself soon or late thats a law in universe so am no worry about u but happy because i believe in GOD.
U had less problems with foriegners , oh really? So thats why u try so hard even on net? Then whats ur motive?
Do u know that u cant change a fact no/one has power to stand against a fact so u… now relax and give opportunity to ur heart maybe u can open ur heart maybe u can see more than ur nose.
What you tell us, might be truth or it might not be the complete truth. However, I am sure that those foreigners at school told teachers and managers quite different version of the events than you do, as it was you who ended up being expelled from the school and not them. It would be interesting to hear also their version of the story.
Well PS voter … it is like u see yourself at mirror and u tell oh who is he? Is that me? Its not me? Its me? Its not me? Doubt doubt doubt for easy clear thing? Then u wont find truth never ever in ur life.
U try so hard to push me… i told u PS voter u cant,but its interesting hee hee
Even am not surprise because when i talk to a person like u … u all have same answer because u are not creative just copy paste people, copy paste people.
What u will say if other children bullying ur child at school?
Again ur child is at home and accedently he breaks a glass?
Again he make a fight with his sister or brother or neighbour?
Aagain he is angry at his mother beacuse she made a prejudice between him and his sister?
Would u tell that ur child is sick and he has problem with every body and all the time?
If u tell this then u should work very seriously on ur thoughts.
U foregt here is Finalnd and am living in Finalnd, do u mean those foreigners complain about racist in Finalnd are wrong … oh all are wrong???? and all speak about smae problem, huh
To be continued
we make ur country to grow up and go forward…
I am not sure if it has helped Finland to go forward. Of course, some foreigners have been quite welcome and have been quite beneficial, like some scientists. However, among some immigrant groups the average education level is quite low and unemployment rates quite high.
Then be sure PS voter,
What u have in ur country? All u have comes from outside and other countries even ur favour CABBAGE and cucumber.
>>>Some foreigners have been quiet welcome and benefical?????
LOL again common answer from a Finn… well myself also like those foreigners but scientists Ha ha ha u want scientists???JOKE Of century youhooooo, then who will do cleaner jobs in Finalnd? There r many foreigners ( and Finns ) do that and they are also benefical for this country dont u think so??? Or menial jobs are not bad and u cant make fun at them because people have different talents… and abilities… also people have different life and opportunities…some people had not enough opportunity with education, some are not very talented and can do simple works but there is nothing wrong with that because a social need all kinds of jobs and people, they are and we r all human beings and we all need each other in our social, personaly i have respect for them… i have equal respect for scientists and cleaners.
Also Finland is not a first class country too.
To be continued
Well, I was talking about developing countries in general, not specifically about Iran. However, Iran gets typically classified as a developing country.
Having said that and although on average I find Arab men more attractive — if they haven’t spend too many years under Sun, I agree that there seems to be more intellectual tradition in Iran compared to many Arab countries. In the distant past, there was scientific development in Arab countries, but then religion and some other social issues stopped development and caused even regression of development. Western languages have many scientific words from the time period when Arab countries were scientifically advanced, like alkali, algebra or algorithm. It is quite sad to see the current lack of progress. I hope that some day day Arab countries will wake up from the stagnation, but I am quite pessimistic that it will happen soon.
PS voter,
Thats ur idea as a very simple man…i have nothing against Arab men for me they are our neighbours on this planet earth but Arab men are not attractive than Iranian men, for %100 Iraninas are well known in world, intelligent people we r and u dont know anything about my country, history and education over there, go and ask about Iranians in USA ,in England, u r far a way from fact and news.
Even in Finalnd we Iranians are well known, hey do u know in Finalnd we import doctors from other countries? There is not enough doctors in Finalnd, oh wow But in my country there r many doctors and engineers…almost in every family.
But why u speak about Arab men now?hee heeee
Do u have an Arab relative in ur family or friends ?
Religion? Oh there is religion in my country too , but there was and is scientists, poets, great doctors, surgeries, engineers and go on go on… go and search about our doctors and surgeries on Google…
Or u try to make a useless argue,
Arab countries are not in a same line with my country, believe it or not thats true.
World has enough information about my country and people but u can tell joke for yourself… looks u never had contact with great people in ur life? U have a limit life and thought PS voter.
Why u chose this name for yourself?
This is a name that smells fanatical…
Ha ha ha PS voter… he is Persian no Arab… PERSIAN
also yourself can search more if u wish… Algorithm is his name in latin.
770–840–[mathematics] Khwarizmi (Persian: ???????? Khwarazmi, in Arabic became ????????? al-Khwarizmi, Latinized name, Algorithm). Developed the “calculus of resolution and juxtaposition” (hisab al-jabr w’al-muqabala), more briefly referred to as al-jabr, or algebra.
U want more?
Persian scientists knew Arabic very well but they were Persian not Arab… they were writing Arabic books too… its like i can speak Finnish and other languages but am Persian not Finn or Arab.
Here for you PS…
Just write his nname on wiki and figure more
Ab? ?Al? al-?usayn ibn ?Abd All?h ibn S?n?, commonly known as Ibn S?n? or by his Latinized name Avicenna, was a Persian polymath, who wrote almost 450 treatises on a wide range of subjects, of which around 240 have survived. Wikipedia
Born: 980 AD, Bukhara
Died: December 10, 1037, Hamedan
Books: The Canon of Medicine, The Book of Healing
Parents: Abdullah, Setareh
We Persian, Iranian still have Arabic name and we have Arabic book at school… but it does not mean we r Arab.
This Omar Khayyam is persian, a scientists and poet,… his name is Omar and Arabic but he is Persian….
In Iran we have both Arabic and Persian names From that time Islam came to my country.
But we r not Arab.
They were muslim but not Arab….Persian