An email* from Dana dated May 11:
In short, you do not like the explanation. A few months ago, behind the closed doors of Alppikulma,[1] a wild and drunken Finnish man who had been bullying me for months and giving me ugly obscenities, punched
me in the mouth. I was standing right under the camera. He first told me that a Moroccan prostitute ?Marokkolainen HUORA … blood flowed from my mouth and nose, I got out of there, my teeth got into the flesh of my lips, I wiped my mouth and nose, I called the police, then in the school toilet I washed my nose. the security guard said sorry I cannot help you; he was behind the desk…The police came, two policemen. He (one of them, longer and older) asked me? What do you do in Finland? When did you come to Finland? why? Do you have a husband why are you alone? where are you from? His questions made my blood boil, but his last question and my answer made him angry. I said I am Finnish. He repeated: Where are you from? Finland, I am a Finn! Where are you really from? I had to answer, my face hurt, I said Iran.

He did not ask important questions but he asked questions that has nothing to do with
matter! They took pictures of my lips and nose but did not say anything, NOTHING to the man who punched me and NOTHING to Alppikulma’s RACIST workers who did not open the door for me and did not help me…
They did not ask him (the suspect) a single question. They did not even want to meet him and who was in the building. They did not! Then they gave back my ID card and left. They said you should show the ID card, I said I know my ID number, they said we do not trust you, show the card! They also checked my Finnish passport…
No one knows the Finnish police like me. I also know their boss. Chief of the Finnish Police (Seppo Kolehminen). I spoke to him twice on the phone. He spoke violently to me, and the second time he said: “Wow, you are here, you do not understand, you are stupid, oh I cannot talk to you again voi ei…” and then he hung up. I got angry and called again. Since he knew my number and did not answer. I repeatedly emailed him and described the horrific cases of the police attack on me.
Do not trust him. His name is Kolehmainen
*Since we know Dana and since we have read many of her poems and stories, we publish this story even if we cannot verify its veracity. There are always two sides to a story. However, It would be a good idea to get in touch with the police and ask them if they investigating this case.
[1] Emergency accommodation for the homeless and crisis accommodation. Managed by the Helsinki Deaconess Institute.