We are seeking to speak with any person who has in any way been sent by Russian officials to Finland since August 2023 as an asylum seeker – or anyone who knows such a person.
As you know the Petteri Orpo government is seeking to adopt a law to turn such persons away at the border before entry with a special law circumventing basic rights in the Finnish Constitution as well as several international agreements.
Because of the high priority the government is placing on this action supposedly there must be many asylum seekers among the over 1300 who have arrived across the Eastern border since August 2023. We will be pleased to pay a reward of
100 EU to any such person willing to be interviewed by Migrant Tales. We promise to respect the confidentiality request of any such person willing to speak to us who will be protected under the law concerning confidentiality of news sources.
Thanking you in anticipation for helping to throw light on this important public issue regarding “hybrid immigrants”.
Ahti Tolvanen
Contact [email protected]