We heard today that case of a returned Iraqi refugee who died in Baghdad after being refused asylum in Finland. The only explanation that the new interior minister, Kai Mykkänen, can offer is that the murder was “sad and tragic.”
YLE reported the death of the Iraqi asylum seeker and interviewed his daughter, who is still in Finland.
Ali’s death is not the first one. Migrant Tales has reported other cases like the death of two Iraqi asylum seekers in 2016.
Politicians like Interior Minister Mykkänen don’t take responsibility but allow the unjust and inhuman asylum policy to continue. With comments like “sad and tragic,” followed by washing his hands of the problem, reveal a lack of leadership and contempt for asylum seekers.
When Mykkänen states that there were too many asylum seekers who came to Finland in 2015 and thus some mistakes could have been made, he is saying in retrospect that too many Muslims came and we want most of them out of the country.
Read the full story here.
The real culprit is the indifference of Prime Minister Juha Sipilä’s government, which simply doesn’t care if asylum seekers live or die when sent back to countries like “safe” Iraq.
An asylum seeker, who has been waiting for his residence permit for two years and a half, admits that the government and the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) just don’t care.
“Iraq has no values and doesn’t care for human life,” he said. “Nobody cares. Finland’s values of justice and fairness towards asylum seekers have deteriorated.”
The asylum seeker said that laws that undermined the asylum seekers’ legal rights by lowering the time for appeal and taking away legal aid are clear examples of the government’s declaration of war against asylum seekers.
It’s not only the opinion of asylum seekers in Finland, who are wary of the system, but a French court ruled that it could not send an asylum seeker back to Finland because it returned them to Iraq and put in harm’s way.
Like blogger Sakari Timonen wrote (in Finnish) about the situation, the only thing that Interior Minister Mykkänen and politicians can offer is how they wash their hands.
Sad and tragic? do you think its a tragedy romantic story ? you sent Ali in the middle of war zone ! you had no mercy on him, no mercy on a human who came here for peace, for safety, he did not know that exactly this is Finland who will send him to death ! he did not know that Finland will trap him and will send him deep in tomb and grave.
Sad and tragic? and what more?
You insulted him, you sent him by force to Iraq, you trap him for isis, and you made a crime with isis, thats all, police, Finnish government, parliament, immigration terror system…. and all those who keep silent, are equal with isis and killers ! you all have one goal !
Finnish immigration service is most horrible thing in the planet eath ! they all sit behind tables and they make terror decisions, different kind of terror decisions ! against everybody who is coming from middle east or is muslim…
And another tragedy for those who think asylum seekers are a film and movie and sad show in Finland !
Asylum seekers in camps
Asylum seekers in camps have a very bad life, how many dead there ? how many made sucide?
and how many
Are in detention cells right now and in this moment under torture with a tearful face ??? what they lawyer do for them, fake lawyers, who do nothing but take lots of money, scammer lawyers, racist lawyers…
Finland is worse ever country, a country with a black stonic heart.
You keep asylum seekers in camps and detention cells without feeling any responsibility about them, and the only thing finnish people talking about is, MONEY, money, money, if you do not want spend money on asylum seekers then help them, give them work and life, but you keep them between 4 walls and blame them for every single breath which is free under sky.
Ali was not first one and last one, you Finnish people have no mercy at all. he came here with hope, you sent hime back with a broken heart and to blood and death ! you did this with afghans, you did this with many refugees, you repeat this every day…
Dont say this is sad because this is more than sad.
Say what is more? what do you know more than sad and tragic? you Kai Mykkänen, say something more !
Finland is a racist mentaly sick country wich practice its mentaly and sickness on poor asylum seekers, specialy on Iraqi and Afghans and muslims !
Now everybody in parliament plus president are happy, they feel themselves winner when they hear such a news and attention, you are all loser. but yes you all have a nation under control, a nation who voted you with free will , a nation who gave you all power, a nation who trusted you without know anything about you, a nation who can not take responsibilty for own vote. a nation who can not take you down, a nation who believe in freedom but has no freedom !
killers are different.
Some kills with gun, some without gun
some kills with vote
some kills with silent
some kills with supporting cruels
Some kills with insult, some with ignoring… police kills with hit and cell and judges kill with penalty and ….
Now its time for Sauli Niinistö to spend his time on a baby, asylum seekers are not worthy to talk about them, Juha Sippliä and the rest can continue control and dictatorship system…
and poor finnish people will stand on lines for old breads hours and hours
This is democracy !
Humiliating Shambles! but not for them, not for this government and not for the policy makers.
I have absolutely no idea how can the person who made the decision can sleep in peace now? Or may be it’s now a habit to ridicule the minorities, push them all towards the bottom so they can satisfy their sadism…
Their names will be written as Villains in our children’s history books.